Acea for World Energy Saving Day
Checks have shown that a considerable number of users are not registered.
In November, Acea Ato 5 will cut off unauthorized user supplies.
In the interest of all users who regularly pay their bills for the integrated water service and to guarantee compliance with the applicable regulation, Acea Ato 5 is committed to eradicating any illegal and unauthorized use of the service.
In this context, the water service Provider started an awareness campaign aimed at regularizing non-registered users who started benefiting from the service in the Municipality of Cassino in July 2017.
To this end, Acea Ato 5 invites all citizens of Cassino who use the integrated water service but are not included in the list of users to regularize their position by 31 October 2019. The Provider warns citizens that after this date it will start cutting off water supplies to all unauthorized users.
Checks carried out by Acea Ato 5 in collaboration with the Municipality of Cassino with regard to water users on its territory have shown that many citizens who use the integrated water service (aqueduct, sewage system and water treatment) are not registered. These are users who benefit from the service without paying their bills, in violation of user equality regulations and to the detriment of those who regularly pay their bills and are covering the costs of the service provided to unauthorized users.
A census showed that out of 3,000 users, 800 are not registered. Unfortunately this is just a partial figure, considering that Acea Ato 5 has taken on a total of 13,000 users in the Municipality of Cassino since July 2017.
As mentioned, the invitation to regularize their position follows the results of checks carried out by the Provider and Municipal Authorities and will lead inevitably to cutting off any unauthorized service supplies within the Municipality's territory in order to eradicate any illegal use of the service. In fact, unauthorized use of the service damages both the company and regularly registered users.
Acea Ato 5 reminds users that account and contract information is available by contacting the Provider either on the free phone number 800639251 or sending an email to commerciale@aceaato5.it. However, to regularize their positions users must go to Acea Ato 5 desks. The opening hours of the desk in Cassino, in via Giacomo Leopardi 32, are: mornings from Mon to Fri, from 8:30 h till 13:00 h; afternoons Tue and Thu, from 14:15 h till 15:45 h.
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