Acea for World Energy Saving Day
Are you experiencing financial difficulties? Apply for the water bonus at your Municipality. If you meet the bonus requirements, consumptions to which the preferential tariff applies for each member of your family will be free.
Families experiencing financial difficulties and, since February 1, 2020, anyone with Basic Income or Basic Pension, can apply for the Water Bonus, which reduces considerably the bill.
The bonus application can be submitted only in relation to the consumption of water for residential domestic use. This is a direct benefit aimed at reducing aqueduct, sewage system and water treatment service tariffs.
The measure was introduced by law 221/2015 and implemented by decree of the President of the Council of Ministers, of 13 October 2016, and subsequent provisions from the Regulatory Authority for Energy Networks and Environment (ARERA), who updates the ISEE threshold every three years.
The measure entails the free supply of a minimum amount of water per household member per year, which was set by law at 50 liters per day (18.25 m3 per year per person) and considered the minimum amount required for essential needs.
For example, in the case of a family of 4, the bonus will guarantee 73 cubic meters of free water supply per year. A family of 3 who consumes 90 cubic meters of residential domestic water per year, will save approximately 40%.
The bonus can be claimed by direct and indirect users of the water service who are experiencing financial difficulties and meet the following requirements set by the law: families with an Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator (ISEE) up to €8,265 or, if they include more than 4 dependent children, up to €20,000.
“Direct users” refers to final users to whom the residential domestic water supply is registered; “indirect users” refers to one of the family members who, in the home residence, uses the aqueduct supply service registered to a condominium.
In order to claim the bonus, customers must apply by presenting a self-certification to their Municipality or any other entity indicated by the Municipality (e.g. CAF, Mountain Community etc.). Application forms are available on Arera’s website (www.arera.it), on www.sgate.anci.it, on the provider's website (www.aceaato5.it) and on the local body’s website (www.ato5fr.it).
Customers may apply for the water bonus as well as the electricity and gas bonus. The bonus is applicable for a period of 12 months. At the end of this period, customers who still meet the bonus requirements may submit their renewal application.
The Bonus is funded by a compensation system set by Arera and accounted for in the water bill.
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