Acea for World Energy Saving Day
All contractual and commercial operations pertaining to water supply contracts can be managed remotely, without going to the Provider’s offices in person.
Lately, Acea Ato 5 has been focusing on developing and implementing channels and applications to provide alternatives to help desks and commercial offices, in order to help customers manage all issues or requests despite the difficulties caused by the travel restrictions imposed in response to the Covid-19 health emergency and without having to leave their homes and queue.
These channels are also particularly useful while the offices in Frosinone are temporary closed for extraordinary maintenance. However, offices in Cassino are open for business as usual.
Customers can manage all aspects of their water supply over the phone and online.
All services can be accessed calling 800 639 251 (free from land lines), active from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 to 19:00; Saturday from 08:00 to 13:00. Operators will provide all necessary information. Forms and documentation can be received and submitted via email, without leaving the house.
Customers can send all requests and communications to commerciale@aceaato5.it.
All operations pertaining to the water supply can be carried out via the MyAcea mobile phone app (which can be downloaded for free from Google Play and Apple Store), or online at www.myacea.it. The channel allows customers to fully manage their water supply account (view and pay bills online, check and submit meter readings, report leaks and bursts, request and receive support, including via chat, send payment receipts, request to pay in installments, file complaints, request refunds or bill amendments, ask for quotes, submit applications for new connections, request meter checks and a lot more).
With the MyAcea app customers can also monitor consumption, checking the list of previous meter readings and submitting self-readings. Additionally, the app shows all the latest bills.
Information about all services and administrative practices, including the necessary forms and documents that need to be provided, can be found online at www.aceaato5.it.
The paperless “Web Bill” service can be activated via the MyAcea app or portal. The digital billing service allows customers to receive their bills as soon as they are issued via email, avoiding any delays due to the postal or delivery service. At the same time, customers who wish to request a copy of an undelivered paper bill, can send an email to duplicati@aceaato5.it.
Breaks and leaks, both private and public, must always be reported by calling the toll-free number 800.191.332. Issues can also be reported via the MyAcea app, which allows to send a picture of the problem.
Customers are reminded that, in compliance with Covid19 containment measures, help desks are open to the public only by appointment, from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 16:30. Appointments can be booked calling the toll-free number 800 639 251, using the dedicated Ufirst app to avoid unnecessary waiting and queues, or sending an email to appuntamenti.commerciale@aceaato5.it.
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