Since December 2024 Giuseppe Del Villano, lawyer, has been Chief Legal Officer of Acea where he had already managed the General Counsel Office since November 2023.
From June 2020 to August 2023, he headed Terna’s Corporate Affairs department, in addition to holding the positions of Employer and Procurator General at Terna Spa. He was also Chairman of the Terna Rete Italia (TRI) S.p.A. Board of Directors and Board Member at CESI S.p.A. – Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano “Giacinto Motta” (for a period also Board Chairman).
He is currently a member of the Italian Grid Infrastructure Association (IGI – Istituto Grandi Infrastrutture) Executive Council, as an expert on concessions and public procurement legislation, and the Executive Council of AISCA (the Italian Association of Board Secretaries), as well as a member of the Working Group on Industrial Policy, set up at the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy.
Between 2009 and 2020 Giuseppe Del Villano held positions within the Acea Group, most recently (2017 – 2020) as Director of Acea SpA Corporate Affairs and Services. He was also Procurator General, Employer, Head of the Internal Legal Office, Responsible for overseeing Related Party Transactions and Board Secretary. Again in Acea, he held the position of Legal and Corporate Affairs Manager (2013-2016) and prior to that was Head of the Audit Department and Internal Control Officer (2009-2013).
He sat on the Supervisory Bodies of Acea Spa, Acea Energia Holding SpA, Acea Ato2 SpA, Acea Distribuzione SpA, Arse SpA, Aria SpA, Sao SpA, Aquaser srl, Acea Energia SpA, Acea Produzione SpA, Solemme SpA, Kyklos srl, Gesesa SpA, Isa srl and Acea8cento srl. He was also member of the Acea Distribuzione SpA (now Areti) and Aria SpA (now Acea Ambiente) boards of directors.
He has furthermore held important executive responsibilities, always reporting directly to top management, in positions connected with legal activities, purchasing, internal controls and fund management for investment financing at ISMEA, Invitalia SpA and the Ministry of Communications. He was also Director of Infratel, Innovazione Italia SpA and Promair SpA, Chairman of the Sviluppo Italia Campania SpA BoD and board member of the National Agency of municipal and provincial secretaries.
Among other things, he has held the role of legal expert, in the field of entrepreneurship, tenders and public services, for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, also dealing with the drafting of regulations. He has been part of several Italian institutional commissions for the in-depth study and examination of legal issues and for the implementation of investments. He has been a member of Independent Evaluation Bodies (OIV) for various entities, including the Ministry of Communications.
He was professor of Regional Law at Rome’s Guglielmo Marconi Online University (Degree Programme in Economic Sciences).
He graduated in Law, with a three-year specialisation in trade union law, labour law and social security, also attending post-graduate training courses for legal and legislative consultants at ISLE (Institute for Documentation and Legislative Studies) and the Sapienza University.
He is registered with the Bar Association (special list) and the Order of Journalists (List of Publicists).