Management Systems

In order to guarentee compliance with legislation and at the same time monitor and control the risks, the system is divided into a network of protected areas (resources, technologies, instruments and competencies), partially interconnected according to the objectives/risks to be monitored and designed to ensure the achievement of control objectives.

The certified integrated management system

For the sustainability of its operations, Acea acknowledges the following core values:

  • the promotion of a quality culture
  • respect for the environment and safeguarding of ecosystems, also through energy efficiency
  • the valorisation of people also through fairer gender equality
  • health and safety in the workplace (including infection prevention and control)
  • corruption prevention
  • efficient resource management
  • risk assessment
  • responsible management of its economic, social and environmental impacts
  • dialogue with the parties involved
  • promotion of sustainability in the value chain.

The Quality, Environment and Management Systems Unit defines the policies, methods, standards of reference and requisites for developing and maintaining the group’s certified management systems: quality, environment, safety, energy, gender parity and other certifications and attestations that are deemed necessary to obtain, via risk assessment activities and the identification of group management system training needs; it monitors the management systems of the operating companies in order to ensure that quality, environment and safety standards are maintained by managing relations with the certification authority, providing support for the operating companies’ control entities, during the various phases of the process, as well as monitoring and analysing the results of the internal and external assessments.

The Acea Group has implemented a Management Systems and Sustainability Policy, which sets out the principles, values and commitments undertaken by the company, including them as part of the framework for the pursuance of sustainable development. This policy is an integral part of the Management Systems compliant with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 50001 standards.

The Acea Group is also committed to continuously updating its Management Systems and – for this reason – it constantly tracks and analyses the changes in the internal and external context, and the stakeholders’ expectations as well.

Management of quality, environment, safety and energy are central aspects of our corporate policies, as shown by the number of Group companies that have implemented certified integrated management systems.

Acea also developed and certified anti-corruption and gender equality management systems.

Acea obtains gender equality certification

Again in 2023, Acea confirmed its UNI/PdR 125:2022 certification, the domestic standard for gender equality, which defines the guidelines for supporting female empowerment as part of the company’s growth path. Acea, in December 2022, was the first listed Italian multiutility to obtain this certification.
The recognition of gender equality confirms Acea’s commitment to diversity and inclusiveness issues and its ability to adopt tangible measures for reducing the gender gap with regard to growth opportunities, equal pay, the protection of parenthood and work-life balance. The fact that Acea maintained the certification also in 2023, with an improved score, reflects the efforts made in this area during recent years. The certification entity in fact identified a compliance level of 95/100 (compared to 90% for the first year), following the satisfaction of 30 out of 31 indicators, and 100% in 5 of the 6 areas comprising the procedure.
Already in 2022, the Group adopted an Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy and set up a Group Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Committee, which will steer the process of evolution towards a corporate culture based on inclusion, the promotion of diversity and the fair treatment of people.

Discover our initiatives about Diversity, Equality and Inclusion
Certificazioni Rina

Certified Management Systems within Acea Group (as at 31/12/2024)

Acea Ato 2  X X X X PDR 125
ISO 37001
Acea Ato 5 
Gesesa  X X X X  
Acea Molise X X X    
Gori X X X   PDR 125
ISO 37001
Acea Infrastructure X X X   UNI 17025
PDR 125
UNI 17020
TWS X X X    
Areti  X X X X PDR 125
Acea Produzione   X X   EMAS
SA 8000
Ecogena X   X X UNI 11352
Acea Energia X X X   PDR 125
Acea Ambiente 
PDR 125
Aquaser X  X  X   ISO 39001
Iseco X X X   ISO 22000
Demap X X X    
Deco X X X   EMAS
Ecologica Sangro X X X    
Orvieto Ambiente X X X X EMAS
Ferrocart X X      
Cavallari X X X    

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Anti-corruption Compliance

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