Torrerisi intermunicipal plant and afferent collectors

Torrerisi intermunicipal plant and afferent collectors Torrerisi intermunicipal plant and afferent collectors Torrerisi intermunicipal plant and afferent collectors

Description and objectives

“Intermunicipal plant and afferent collectors” intervention is part of the general plan for environmental and hygienic recovery of the municipalities of Ausonia, Coreno Ausonio, and Castelnuovo Parano. It aims to effectively improve the area by providing an efficient sewerage and urban wastewater purification system that will serve 4,000 equivalent inhabitants (EI). The project includes the extension of the Torrerisi purification plant, adjustments to comply with legal limits (Legislative Decree 152/06), and the completion of the sewerage networks serving the entire urban area.

purification plant
~ 7
of new sewage system
lifting systems

Work Progress

The functional reinstatement of the Torrerisi intermunicipal plant and afferent collectors is progressing according to the established timeline. To date, all operational phases are advancing successfully, meeting both deadlines and intermediate targets.
The project has been divided into two work lots, which are closely interconnected and complementary. The division allows resources and expertise to be focused on specific areas while ensuring the coordinated progress of the entire project.  

The first work lot includes the functional reinstatement and expansion of the "Torrerisi" wastewater treatment plant, as well as the construction of nearly 5 km of new sewage network and 3 lifting stations.

The second work lot includes the construction of nearly 4 km of new sewage network and 3 lifting stations.

Banda loghi PNRR


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