Expected annual production capacity is around 170 GWh, corresponding to 70 thousand tons of avoided CO2 emissions per year
Significant contribution to the country’s energy transition and renewable energy development
Acea Solar, a wholly owned subsidiary of Acea Produzione, has obtained from the Region of Sardinia the “Environmental Impact Assessment” and the “Single Authorisation” for the construction of a photovoltaic facility in the Ottana industrial area, in the municipality of Bolotana (province of Nuoro). The plant, which will have an installed capacity of 85MW, is scheduled to come into operation during the first six months of 2024.
The site, the largest in Sardinia and one of the biggest in Italy, covers an area of 140 hectares and will be connected to the high voltage network of Terna’s new “Ottana 2” power plant, built inside the same industrial area. The project also includes the development of a 10 MWh energy storage system which will supply electricity during the phases of the day when the power generated by renewable energy sources is no longer available. The overall system will contribute to the network’s stability and the supply of electricity totalling 170 GWh/year, equal to the annual requirement of approximately 50,000 households and corresponding to over 70 thousand tons of avoided CO2 emissions per year, compared to an equivalent production using fossil fuels.
As envisaged by the compensatory measures approved by the responsible Authorities, Acea Solar will undertake to ensure the conservation of the local habitat and ecosystem during all stages of the project with a view safeguarding the area’s biodiversity. In detail, within the perimeter a permanent grassland will be sown, while outside the space concerned, covering an area more than twice the size of the facility, conditions will be maintained or created such as to favour the presence of protected species.
Giuseppe Gola, ACEA’s Chief Executive Officer commented: “The Bolotana facility represents a further major step forward in our growth path in the photovoltaic sector, in keeping with our development plan in the renewables sector which integrates the Group’s industrial objectives with sustainability targets. The plant, one of the largest in Italy, will provide a major contribution to the country’s energy transition and decarbonisation process”.
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