Expected annual production capacity of approximately 55 GWh, corresponding to around 22 thousand tonnes of avoided CO2 per year
Major contribution to the energy transition and the development of renewable power
Acea Solar (100% Acea Produzione) continues its growth in the solar power sector, with the coming on stream of the facility realised in the Grotte Alte district, in the municipality of Licodia (Catania); with installed power totalling 28 MW, it is one of the largest in Sicily.
The photovoltaic plant, entirely developed and built by Acea Solar, was implemented and connected to the high voltage grid at the nearby Terna Power Station. The estimated annual output of around 55 GWh/year is capable of supplying enough energy to meet the needs of about 20,000 households, avoiding the emission into the atmosphere of 22 thousand tonnes per year of CO2 with respect to a corresponding output from fossil energy sources.
The plant is entitled to a remuneration from Terna for its participation in the capacity market. The photovoltaic plant, which covers an area of almost 60 hectares, has been constructed using the most advanced installation techniques, which envisage the use of bifacial modules and a single axis tracking system, designed to guarantee an increase in the plant’s output, for the same surface area.
Overall, the project will contribute both towards Italy’s energy transition objectives, thanks to the production of renewable energy, and to the stabilisation of the grid.
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